The Magical Earth Episode 14
Greetings, Fellow Travelers, and welcome to the Magical Earth, recorded Dec 17th, 2009.
A Quick Check in - after we discuss the snowball effect of life in the fourth quarter of the year and how the cultural cues and clues are both more and less predictable.
How much of the Christmas culture do many Pagans participate in? Do Pagans have Christmas Trees (yes, they were ours first). Do you exchange Christmas gifts with other Pagans? How do you, as a Pagan celebrate - mark - participate in Dec 25th? There are no right or wrong answers - just explorations of your personal practice.
(We talk about our Christmas Eve Orphan tradition of movie going on Christmas Eve - this year - Avatar! Followed by Sherlock Holmes.)
Cliff references his current Question of the Week on The Modern Pagan - Bombarded on All Sides. We also talk about our personal "wish lists" - everything from a knitting swift and / or a wool ball winder for Alex. Susan has already received her holiday gifts (a new laptop and a new TV) - so that leaves her with a wish for a new knitting needle set - but would settle for a Boler trailer. Jacinthe wants 10 hours in a recording studio for Musique Magique and a digital camera, more Le Creuset, and Cliff wants to be a published author by a real publisher so he can be a published author and hold a copy of his own book in his hot little hands.
Cliff references this great writing blog - Writing Excuses. Susan suggests two books by Judy Harrow - Spiritual Mentoring and Wicca Covens.
We acknowledge that we have "wants" - not needs - and that we are all grateful for what we do have. It helps to put our relationship with abundance into perspective by seeing how "desire driven" our wants are, and how far removed they are from being "needs". This is a time of year to acknowledge the blessings in our life that have sustained us through the dark time, now that the Light is returning. We chat about how our Circadian rhythms are completely "off" and we blame climate change.
We recap our knitting projects, for no particular reason except that's what we do. :) Cliff still isn't knitting.
International Calendar Change Day is approaching, and we each have our own resolutions or anti-resolutions to challenge our resolve. Health - Frugal Living - Lifestyle Changes - we shall see how we go.
Closing thoughts, and holy-day blessings from each of us - to all of you.
Susan closes with two pieces of sacred poetry - again from Galen Gilotte's Goddess Book of Hours, and the God Book of Hours.
Until next time, walk softly.
Have you purchased your Walking the Hedge calendar yet?
Zombies Run! 5k
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9 years ago
I just listened to the Yule episode. I enjoyed all the knitting wishes. Mine came true this year when I received a spinning wheel from my mom. I was wondering, how much intent do you put into your work? I've already spun enough to make a neck warmer for my husband, a scarf for my mother in law and start a hood/cape for me. I also heard someone mention that they were knitting a labyrinth. Id love more information about that.
I also have a book for the leaders of covens, Deepening Witchcraft, Advancing Skills and Knowledge by Grey Cat.
Keep up the great work!
Heidi in CT.
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