The Magical Earth - Ep 17
Greetings, fellow travelers, and welcome to the Magical Earth. Let's walk together a while...
Our check in reveals that the weather is damp and the snow is melting, and our old decrepit bones are achey and our allergies are flaring up and we're a wee bit congested. "What a drag it is getting old ..."
Three of us are also enjoying the National Beverage of Winnipeg - "the Slurpee". Jacinthe doesn't like them. Go figure.
We resume our Olympic commentary - and note all the "pagan familiar" symbols and ritual components of the opening ceremonies - from the greetings of / to the four directions, to the raising of energy through sacred dance - all these symbols made sense to us - and the subsequent spectacle of Canadiana Unfurled - it was amazing.
Cliff thinks that many of our athletes raided the Superhero wardrobe - bobsledders looking like Spiderman, speed skaters that looked like Xmen - and a certain Manitoba Skeletor that was The Flash. (yay Jon Montgomery!)
Thanks as always for your emails ( and comments on the Facebook page. We were sent an email with a great cartoon of a woman knitting via video game - we'll see if we can include that here in the show notes.
We each give our final thoughts (Jacinthe & Alex are already fantasizing about spring cleaning...)
To wrap things up - on a sombre and respectful note - Susan dedicates a poem to the people of Georgia, in honor of their fallen Olympian .... To An Athlete Dying Young by A.E. Housemann.
Until next time - walk softly ...
Zombies Run! 5k
So I'm going to talk about one of my favorite apps of all time. As an app
it is available for both IOS and Android for less than 5 bucks.
So the basic id...
9 years ago
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